"I moved here to Farnese from Sardinia in the late 1950s, bringing with me the long-established dairy traditions associated with sheep farming, which had been handed down from generation to generation.
At that time, I was a youngster, but, boy, was I passionate about my work!
Many years have passed since then, and – with the priceless support of my wife Giuliana – my family and my farm have grown with me. What makes me happy is knowing that I’ve passed down to my children that same passion that I had, and my love for simple, genuine things made with care. Seeing them carry my work forward fills me with pride and more than makes up for all of the sacrifices I had to make"
This is Carmelo Pira's potted history – a story of hard work, most certainly, but also of great satisfaction, four children and a wonderful family.
"We inherited the experience and values that our parents handed down to us, and we have since gone on to expand the family business: today, the “Azienda Agricola Radichino” includes not only a livestock-breeding business, but also its own dairy and its own in-house restaurant that can accommodate around 100 diners, where we serve up home-made specialities that embody the typical traditions of Sardinia and Tuscany.
But our expansion has not forced us to neglect traditions: our milk comes from more than 1,000 sheep and goats that graze freely in our fields, and we use it to produce our cheese, with artisanal care, just like in the olden days!
Come and see us, we'll be delighted to tell you all about our history and to share the genuine flavours and aromas of our wonderful products"
Anche il nostro caseificio è rigorosamente a conduzione familiare, l'esperienza acquisita negli anni, le materie prime di grande qualità, l'equilibrio tra tradizione
ed innovazione, consentono ci consentono di ottenere ottimi formaggi.
L'azienda alleva oltre 1500 pecore sarde e 80 capre, il latte viene impiegato per la produzione di 20 tipi di formaggio.
I formaggi del nostro caseificio hanno ottenuto, negli anni, importantissimi riconoscimenti che ci hanno permesso di far conoscere i nostri prodotti anche fuori dal
territorio, come ad esempio una delle 36 medaglie d'oro agli ALMA CASEUS AWARDS a CIBUS 2016, per la nostra Toma Reale.
I Formaggi di Capra : Ricotta Granduchessa, Poggio Conte e Blu Dolce
I Formaggi Semistagionati : Hercle, Hercle Brivido, Giglio di Castro, Cretoso al pepe rosa, Cretoso al pepe nero, Cavone e Radichino
I Formaggi Stagionati : Don Carmelo, Toma Reale, Granducato di Castro, Granducato Dolce e Granducato Nero
I Formaggi Freschi : Ricotta Vallerosa, Cagliata Fiocco di neve e Costabella Primo sale
Specialità : Yogurt di pecora e di capra, Pepite di Radichino e Poggio Conte, Ricotta al forno e Ricotta salata